Episode One

I don’t know how to actually and creatively begin this one so I’m just going to dive right in. The subject- LGBTQIA protections and civil rights.

On 7-12-18 the House Appropriations Committee passed an amendment that allows tax payer funded agencies to discriminate against LBTQIA families that want to adopt a child. They can use religious beliefs as the reason. They do lose 15% of their funding if they are found to be doing this though. I should note that there is a still a chance this could get cut from the final bill. I won’t hold my breath though.
WHY WAS THIS GARBAGE EVEN ALLOWED TO MAKE IT THIS FAR? So, it seriously makes sense to people to for kids to be left in the system where any number of abuses could happen to them  instead of going to a loving home? But because this home has two Moms or two Dads we should just leave them in a sterile group home or a possibly abusive foster home? Come on people! Put your homophobia aside for a minute and think about these kids. We all know garbage parents and I’d wager those garbage parents are straight. You have probably thought, “Oh man those kids would be better off with them.” But where do you think they should go?? A government-funded group home? An ever revolving set of foster homes? Why shouldn’t every decent person get the chance to be a parent? Who are you to decide based on your interpretation of the Bible that my kid can’t be a Mom? A child needs love, that’s it really. Just love. By denying people the chance to adopt, you are denying endless amounts of children from having loving homes with dedicated parents and to me that makes you a monster.

Next up, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act desperately needs to be revised. It clearly protects people from being fired based on their race, color, religion, national origin, and sex. Sadly, there are people out there that are still using this as a means to fire someone because they’re gay.  While there are a lot of states that have passed their own laws against such actions, there are still states that have not. So person A is qualified and does a great job for you but the second you find out they’re gay, you fire them. So you hire person B who is straight but sucks and can’t do the job right. Thank God you got rid of that gay guy though! Your business is so much better off with the straight person. Honestly, if this is you, I hope your business fails. Perhaps that’s a lesson you need.

It is 2018 folks. Shouldn’t we be further along than this? Didn’t we learn anything from our past? Stop masking your discomfort under the guise of religion. Jesus’s teachings are mostly about being kind to everyone, yet that gets largely ignored because people enjoy being cruel and unfairly condemning others. I am not religious, but I do try to live a life of kindness. Who a person loves has nothing to do with me and it has nothing to do with you. You have zero right to tell anyone that they can’t be a parent and you have zero right to fire someone because of their sexual orientation. Civil rights apply to everyone, not just who you deem worthy.  Accept this.





