
I don’t even know where to start, but I know I need to write. Facebook status’ are stupid and people don’t care anyway. I just watched satellite images of bodies in the streets of Bucha, Ukraine from weeks ago, side by side with footage of the same bodies yesterday. Russia is saying that the bodies were placed there after they retreated. BULLSHIT. I can’t understand how Russian citizens believe this crap. Your stupid country still put the death toll of Chernobyl at 31….. total. Even without access to actual news or the internet something should smell fishy.

I also do not understand soldiers that are called to action and then slaughter, torture, rape innocent people. You’re a god damn soldier, this does not make you god. No matter what your fuhrer says. Have some dignity or heaven forbid- some humanity. A soldiers job is to protect. What the fuck are you protecting by exploding a building full of children? Your pacifier collection? Oh we’re following orders…..FUCK YOUR ORDERS. They were kids. FUCK YOUR ORDERS. They only wanted to live. FUCK YOUR ORDERS. Playing with legos and dolls. FUCK YOUR ORDERS. They wanted their parents. FUCK YOUR ORDERS.

That guy on his bike? He just wanted to get away from you. Maybe back home to his family. Maybe he was trying to leave so that he could live. It doesn’t actually matter what he was doing. Because he was not a soldier and you killed him anyway. You could have turned your head. You could have purposely missed his head instead of blasting his brains out. You could have done a few things that wouldn’t have resulted in the bike guys death.

I saw photos of a dead family. This was a couple weeks ago. They had their suitcases still in their hands. Kids on the sidewalk, feet in the road. Mom laying behind them. The suitcases are actually what sticks in my head. They wanted freedom, safety. Blankets, food and to sit around the christmas table with each other. But you slaughtered them, like rabid dogs in 1936. Like there was no other choice because they were going to kill you otherwise. Was there a bomb in that pink suitcase? Probably not. I’m guessing there was clothes, a favorite stuffie, maybe pictures of her grandparents and BFF’s.

Generally I think we should, as a nation, not shove our noses into every conflict that comes up. But this is different. This is a mad man terrorizing another country just because he can. Seems like we’ve been here before. I get that there wasn’t nuclear weapons back then, believe me I don’t want a nuke war. But this can’t be allowed to happen. What comes next? He’s going to take everything over, rig things so we get his minion Trump back, then Trump and Jinping will be his henchmen. That may be somewhat of a conspiracy theory, but here we are anyway. My heart breaks for the Ukrainian people, how alone and desperate for help they must feel. We can send all the weapons in the world, but if everyone is dead before they get there, what good is it? Clearly sanctions aren’t working, Putin gives no fucks about being banned from flying. Evil. Just evil.

I see fire. Inside the mountain. I see fire. Burning the trees. I see fire. Hollowing Souls. I see fire. Blood in the breeze. (Ed Sheeran)